Leading UK Hosting Company LCN.com Sponsors Premier Ruby on Rails Conference

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Leading domain registration and web hosting company, LCN.com, has announced it will be sponsoring the Scottish Ruby Conference 2010. The event brings together 300 speakers and delegates to discuss the benefits and common pitfalls of using Ruby in an enterprise environment.

The conference will be hosted for the first time at the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, due to its increasing popularity and size. The event takes place from 26-27 March 2010 and will include keynote speeches from industry experts, Jim Weirich and Tim Bray.

Alan Francis, a Scottish Ruby Conference event organiser, said: "The conference would certainly not be possible without the support of our sponsors, and it is great so see more leading industry sponsors than 2008/09. It's great to have UK companies like LCN involved."

Mark Boost, Managing Director, LCN.com said: "We are proud to be a partner of the Scottish Ruby Conference. Our company is currently developing our own Ruby cloud hosting infrastructure which is due for release in the 2nd quarter of 2010. This infrastructure will provide a highly redundant system, utilising numerous servers and complex load balancing to offer a truly 100% uptime hosting environment.

"This Scottish Ruby Conference will allow our developers with a great opportunity to swap best practices with other skilled developers who are passionate about creating the finest internet solutions with Ruby on Rails."

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